Thursday, April 10, 2008

Golden Spiral of Liquid Light

The world is in need of our light now more than ever.
There is a way we can be of service.
A great increase in cosmic frequency is coming on to the earth plane right now.
Some have been feeling the the bodily 'pressure'; brief fevers; aches and foggieness,
symptoms of a need to recalibrate our systems on all levels - physical; spiritual; emotional and mental.
In order to raise our vibrational rate to be able to absorb these frequencies which are of great benefit to our earthbound physical selves and the Earth, we need to activate our systems. There are several ways to accomplish this. One way that has been shown to me is the following:

Stand comfortably, feet apart; take 3 cleansing breaths
Visualize a golden spiral of liquid light moving counterclockwise about a foot over your head.
As you continue to breathe consciously bring the golden spiral slowly into your crown chakra allow it to enter your head at the very top middle.
Feel the golden liquid spiral of light begin to flow down into your head down to the back of the neck into the spinal column.
Continue breathing and bringing the golden spiral completely into your spine
feel it saturate your cerebrospinal fluid.
This fluid surrounds your central nervous system
as the fluid becomes activated with golden light spiraling through
it will trigger an increase in vibrational frequency.
This activation will affect your entire body through the nervous system into every cell and molecule.
You may experience a tingling sensation.
The spiral is not flat... the spiral is endless.
The Golden Spiral of Liquid Light is actually made of countless tiny golden spirals which are made of even more and so on. They spin counterclockwise.
This is cosmic energy free for the having.
There are many ways this process can be used.
Increased clarity and awareness are some of the benefits.
Perhaps this can serve you for now.
More to come...


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